Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

BlackBerry Playbook Use Android Applications, Approaching Certainty.

The Latest shocking news again come to the BlackBerry PlaybBook, after news that the BlackBerry Playbook tablets will be able to run Android applications. This news just stomping and even strengthened by some sources claim the first tablet RIM will be able to run Android applications.

Although it is rumored that Playbook may be use the Java Virtual Machine (VM) Dalvik before, but even rumored RIM was looking for other options besides Dalvik to achieve its objectives. According to a reliable confidential source, RIM is planning to integrate technology in the OS Playbook (QNX) and at the same time provide consumers of more than 130,000 applications owned by Android. But more yet to be revealed further details as this can not be divulged to the public. RIM is also reportedly being internally developed software that will be ready in the second half of 2011.

The Companies based in Ontario, Canada aims to create a Playbook into devices that can break the dominance of the iPad. By offering a tablet with guaranteed security and the ability of BlackBerry-style message, and the rush of applications from Android. If true, maybe this is a tablet which had long been desired by the consumer gadgets. Just wait it goes.

There is still no confirmation from RIM-related news is quite surprising.

Source: Bloomberg

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